Saturday, May 31, 2008

10 more hours...

Heath and I have enjoyed our time in Tennessee! Friends and family have kept us busy, but I'm so glad I was able to visit with the people I love.

While still in Abilene, Heath and I attended a mission workshop featuring Tom Wymore. He discussed several ways in which we can truly show others that they are valued and loved by God. His main topic focused on the idea of 'redemptive listening'. It was really nice to be able to make connections with other students who were also going through the World Wide Witness program this summer.

We also took a Maymester course entitled Teaching the Good News. A lot of material was covered in one extremely short week; I feel like a gained a lot of insight into what I personally think the Gospel is. We covered various topics including the gospel, salvation, evangelism, and the kingdom of God. I'm looking forward to implementing what I've learned into my time in the Bronx. For those who don't know me, I tend to come off a little shy and quiet; this summer, it is my hope that I become more active in seeking relationship with those around me and show them love.

We will be flying out of the Nashville airport at 10:50 and should be meeting up with our fellow interns in the Big Apple at 2 or so! I am so grateful for this experience already. I look forward to giving you updates and sharing pictures with you. (Not quite sure if my apartment will have internet access, so it might be a few days before my next post.) Thank you so much for your prayers for my fellow interns and the Bronx Fellowship Church!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

First Post!

Finally! Sorry to all of you who have been checking for new information... life has been crazy for the last few months, and now my journey to New York is about to begin!

To catch you up... I've almost completed my Junior year here at ACU! Only three exams to take before it's official. This past week was wonderful; Tuesday Night Kids Church came to a chaotic close and have been able to spend lots of time with the people I love. I also found out that I am going to be interning at AISD Early Head Start program starting this fall. I'm looking forward to actually experiencing what the Social Work profession is all about.

(I am also hopeful about getting a great job for next semester, so be in prayers for that!)

Heath and I will be coming to Franklin on May 24, so please don't miss us on Sunday! We'll be flying out early on June 1.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement throughout this semester. I've been getting so excited about this experience. I can't say that I'm ready or prepared for the culture shock though!

Please be in prayer for this mission to the Bronx and the people we will be in contact with there. (For more information about the Bronx Fellowship of Christ, visit

I love you all, I'll been in touch again soon...